I could be using my Pax 2 rn...

When I first contacted your company via email, I started off as polite as possible considering you fucked all of us, but this shit now getting out of control. I am done being polite as you apparently you like bullshitting people..

"Unprecedented order volume means that some customers may not receive their tracking information until tomorrow Friday April 3rd, after 5pm PST."

First off what the fuck does this mean? You intentionally dodged the question telling people whether it's an email server issue of if some orders did NOT ship today. It's now 7 pm in CA, and USPS is done accepting new shipments for today; has EVERY Pre-Order shipped ALREADY or are the people getting emails by 5 pm tomorrow getting them because their orders will ship by 5 pm TOMORROW?

I have been back in forth with IAN, a SR Customer Service Rep about how terrible this launch has been, how you fucked loyal customers by sending out orders a week in advance to PRICE GOUGING motherfucker retailers instead of loyal customers putting money directly into your pocket. I saw one today at a smoke shop for $350, and one yesterday at a different shop for $305; it's a great feeling knowing these fucking shit dick cocksuckers are able to get their orders a week in advance so they can anally rape people. Way to go; assholes.

Since I gave my original Pax away last week to a friend in need, I guess I will be combusting for another five or so days, as you decided to send out orders on a god damn Thursday before a fucking holiday weekend using guaranteed THREE DAY shipping. Way to FUCK the EAST COAST. If I want though I can go pay $350 to some scumbag though, a scumbag you decided was more important than your actual customers.

I also thank you for charging me sales tax based on my shipping address and NOT my license or where I actually live. I am from New Hampshire, the live free or die state with no BULLSHIT SALES (or income) TAX. Ploom first refused to ship to a PO Box and as I am out of state in CT for the next few weeks, I used a CT address. I understand their bullshit automated rinky dink wordpress website shopping cart can't seem to figure out billing vs shipping addresses and use billing for god damn sales tax, but now four emails back and forth with CS and these assholes have yet to fucking refund my sales tax that I should have never pay. Had I ordered from a 3rd party retailer, I would have not paid sales tax (who the fuck collects sales tax outside their own state, other than Amazon who has made what should be illegal property tax deals with states in return for fucking people by collecting sales tax even in states Amazon does not yet have distribution centers built, like CT. Ploom is NOT Amazon, so once again why the fuck are they collecting sales tax? Because it sits in an account that makes interest (profit) for Ploom and is sent quarterly to states, not immediately. It's once again (like supporting vendors over customers, and this stupid ass week long "exclusive" launch party) all about these greedy pricks making money. As every reviewer said, the price increase on the Pax 2 is not justified, even if the device itself is a huge step forward over the Original Pax.

My advice; if stealth is not your #1 concern, buy a Firefly. It uses a much better convection system to heat your dry herbs, unlike the Pax which uses the cheep Chinese vape pen method of conduction.

The Pax 2 is the last Ploom device I buy. Hopefully the company that makes the Firefly will come out with a new version soon.

I am not canceling my Pre-Order as this point you have already fucked me enough and I need a stealth device, but again I am done with your company after this bullshit is over.

Keep your fucking coupons, give the damn T-Shirt Ian offered me to a homeless person as I am not your fucking walking billboard and have zero reason to support your company right now, keep the fucking 10 pipe cleaners he also offered, as I have a package of 500 sitting next to me, what I would really like is some fucking answers that don't originate from your asshole.

Thank you, Happy Easter

/r/ploompax Thread