Uncharted online has already had two updates...

  1. All weapons can do that granted you don't sqeeze the trigger to much.

  2. 3 shots to the body and two shots to the head. Also to be fair most weapons can put you down in a short time.

3.The mystics are not that big of an issues. On top of that it has a system in place where it costs money to purchase. And gets more expensive after each purchase.

  1. Define. They seem to put down and kill my opponents just fine.

  2. Shotgun works best at close range as it should. XRC may have little damage but it can still put you down pretty fast. I've used it and have been a victim to it.

  3. Available to everyone and cost LP points to use it. It works the same as it did in The Last of Us and is no different from marking in MGO. Not a game breaker.

  4. And yet these maps are better and more balanced than MGO3's maps where most of the time doesn't get completely used. Now they are smaller than the previous UC games. But they still work fine.

  5. Lmao ...no. There is lag in this game every once in a while. But MGO3's lag?! I have yet to play ANY game that comes close. MGO2 had bad lag, but god damn. It's like thats the only they've brought back from MGO2 and improved on.

  6. Limitedly true, more content is on the way this summer and fall and I believe the winter. Putting in most of what was in previous games as well as new. For free at that. https://blog.eu.playstation.com/2016/05/02/everything-you-need-to-know-about-uncharted-4-multiplayer/

  7. Thats more of an option if you want the items fast. You can earn the same items by using mystic points that you earn during gameplay.

Literally NOT like MGO. I used a variety of guns and I've been victim to a variety in U4. There are better weapons to fear other than the AK. But most of these guns do the job well.

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