[Modmailbag] Some of the replies we got back after turning on the banbot

i have always said the mods on this sub do a great job and held this sub as an example of how a subreddit should be run. But I hate this policy a lot. I once posted on /r/european, which I didn't even realize was a racist sub, to call out a homophobe and immediately got banned from /r/offmychest. The fact that I was grouped with a bunch of racists and treated the same way as if I was one of them was just upsetting. Second I was angry at the mods of that sub and now I think they are incompetent for having such a misguided unfair policy. And worst it made me sympathize with the people on that sub who got banned from another sub for doing absolutely nothing wrong. And I appealed the ban and was completely ignored, presumably because I didn't state my case thoroughly enough or maybe didn't grovel enough even though I didn't break their subs rules (by the way is this even in the rules of this sub that you can't post in those other subs).

Even if I was unbanned, why should I have to go through that effort to defend myself when I did nothing wrong? What happened to innocent until proven guilty?

Oh and another problem I have with this is just how spammy it is. You're sending ban messages to thousands of people who don't even read this sub. It is really abusive. If I were running reddit I would never allow someone to run a bot that sends out so many ban messages for no reason. And by the way did you ever consider that by banning these people you're just provoking them and giving them incentive to cause trouble on your sub, when a lot of these people may not have even known or cared about this sub? There are just so many things wrong with this.

/r/creepyPMs Thread Link - imgur.com