Create an overly thought-out backstory for a character that doesn't have one

Gareth first started as an inter-dimensional space amoeba that metastasized into the form of a birch log. The log mindlessly floated into a tear in the space-time continuum and found itself in the lands of Tellius. After being harvested by an unsuspecting Beorc lumberjack, he was thrown into a camp fire and turned into ashes. Out from the ashes arose a naked man, orange of skin and red of hair.

The Beorc man found himself dumbfounded that a man arose from the ashes. The naked man excused himself, letting the lumberjack know that he "had to take a wicked piss." When he relieved himself behind a tree, he noticed he was urinating on a crossword puzzle. He stole pen and ink from the lumberjack and decided to finish the puzzle, finding the words "character" and "development."

The naked man pondered if the two words had any deeper meaning, but quickly decided, "Nah." Realizing he now has a penis, he decided to some sweet red clothes from the lumberjack. Deciding that neither Amoeba nor Log are good names for a humanoid, he asked the lumberjack what his name was, to which he replied....


The man decided that the lumberjack's name was too boring, so he decided to choose the name Gareth because he went to Grad School with an amoeba named Gareth.

And so he went to a local village, heard a story about fire-breathing beasts named dragons and thought, "That's pretty rad. Imma be one o' dem." And so he was.

So he went to Goldoa, fell in love with the king's pretty-boy son and got a lobotomy. His new simple-minded attitude found him a place in the Goldoa Royal Court, as he was really fucking good at saying the words "at once."

/r/fireemblem Thread