I want to create a animated gradient bckgrnd like this. But Brackets is not running it. Help?

help me debug this please?

<html> <head>


 background-color: #fdf9f9;

padding: 0px; margin: 0px; }


{ width: 100%; height: 800px; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; }


var colors = new Array( [62,35,255], [60,255,60], [255,35,98], [45,175,230], [255,0,255], [255,128,0]);

var step = 0; //color table indices for: // current color left // next color left // current color right // next color right var colorIndices = [0,1,2,3];

//transition speed var gradientSpeed = 0.010;

function updateGradient() {

if ( $===undefined ) return;

var c0_0 = colors[colorIndices[0]]; var c0_1 = colors[colorIndices[1]]; var c1_0 = colors[colorIndices[2]]; var c1_1 = colors[colorIndices[3]];

var istep = 1 - step; var r1 = Math.round(istep * c0_0[0] + step * c0_1[0]); var g1 = Math.round(istep * c0_0[1] + step * c0_1[1]); var b1 = Math.round(istep * c0_0[2] + step * c0_1[2]); var color1 = "rgb("+r1+","+g1+","+b1+")";

var r2 = Math.round(istep * c1_0[0] + step * c1_1[0]); var g2 = Math.round(istep * c1_0[1] + step * c1_1[1]); var b2 = Math.round(istep * c1_0[2] + step * c1_1[2]); var color2 = "rgb("+r2+","+g2+","+b2+")";

$('#gradient').css({ background: "-webkit-gradient(linear, left top, right top, from("+color1+"), to("+color2+"))"}).css({ background: "-moz-linear-gradient(left, "+color1+" 0%, "+color2+" 100%)"});

step += gradientSpeed; if ( step >= 1 ) { step %= 1; colorIndices[0] = colorIndices[1]; colorIndices[2] = colorIndices[3];

//pick two new target color indices
//do not pick the same as the current one
colorIndices[1] = ( colorIndices[1] + Math.floor( 1 + Math.random() * (colors.length - 1))) % colors.length;
colorIndices[3] = ( colorIndices[3] + Math.floor( 1 + Math.random() * (colors.length - 1))) % colors.length;

} }



</head> <body> <div id="gradient" /> </body> </html>

/r/css Thread Link - codepen.io