Front Door of the Oakland Police Dept

He didn't use a blanket statement, he specifically stated his dad. Stop being blinded by your hatred.

I've had nothing but good interactions with law enforcement, and I have no relation to any. There are a lot of corrupt crooked cops, but there are many more that are good upstanding citizens.

Being a police officer has to be one of the most stressful day-to-day jobs. How many times do we hear about police being killed in a routine traffic stop? How many times do we have police officers put in bad situations to make judgement calls that turn out bad? How many police officers go to work wondering if the next time their kids see them is at their funeral? Do you have to ask yourself the same question? I'm not making any excuses for the bad ones, but sometimes people just make a bad call. Should they be held to a higher standard? Yes. When people's lives are at stake, absolutely, but it's extremely ignorant to blindly paint every police officer as a corrupt pig. The stereotype only furthers the irrational cycle of hatred and fear that has led us to the problems we are experiencing today and with the shooting last night.

Let me ask you this, when you woke up and found out one transit officer and 3 police officers in Dallas were dead, did you cheer? Did you congratulate the people who did it? Then you are part of the problem. 4 families lost their loved ones last night, probably cops who are actually good cops. 6 or 7 more are hanging in the balance. Why? Something they didn't do? What happened is domestic terrorism, and should not be applauded by anyone.

I challenge you this way - if you have had nothing but bad experiences with law enforcement and view them all as 'corrupt pigs', take a step back and evaluate yourself as an individual and how you personally have interacted with the police. I guarantee if you are capable of taking an objective approach that you could have handled any situation differently and gotten a different result.

If you haven't had any interaction with the police and all your information is second hand or from the media, I firmly believe you have no place to form an opinion on how law enforcement really is.

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