Why is cultural appropriation considered offensive? If so, why? Shouldn't it be seen as homage to the original culture?

You have just opened a can of worms that you should close immediately. Shit is about to go down.

Basically, people think white people using things from other cultures is offensive because white people have historically put those other cultures down for those exact things. What they fail to realise is that NOT ALL WHITE PEOPLE ARE THE SAME. In the same vein as all black/asian/whatever people not being the same. The white people who are around today and are "appropriating" other cultures are not the same people who were putting people down for the same things.

Kylie Jenner got blasted for cultural appropriation for wearing cornrows because historically, white people blasted black people for having cornrows. Kylie Jenner isn't those people though, Kylie Jenner obviously liked cornrows and thought they were cool. This isn't a bad thing.

Surely people should be happy to share aspects of their culture rather than getting pissy because HISTORICALLY people were mean about it. Sure, some pretty shitty things have been done historically, but surely it can only be a good thing that the majority of people are no longer doing those things and are choosing to embrace other cultures instead?

Tl;dr: cultural appropriation is another way for people to be offended by things that they need to chill out about.

/r/NoStupidQuestions Thread