current allocations. what is another ETF like VIG or DGRO that would pair well with VOO/SCHD?

SCHD,DGRO,VIG, and the old VYM the top 3 or 4 qualified dividends you can get.

Stop looking to fine tune and make things better. Humans we think more elements and complexity is better, it does not work like that in investing. My proposition: Use the time you are using to research " what element shpuld I add to this portfolio? " in getting a part time job. I would claim if you leave your portfolio as it is, and get 100 dollars per week extra and add it, your outcome in 10 years will be better than trying to find the answer to the question " what else can I get?" This is not the answer you want, but think about it. Stop adding things....the only resource you can't recovery is time. Use every week to add cash to the things you already have. It will be better with more money, not with more etf's.

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