Cydonia's thoughts on the nerf of Caverns Below

I admit I was also disappointed when I heard about the nerf. After opening 80 packs, Crystal rogue was the only non-aggro deck I could afford to craft, so I played it almost exclusively for the first two weeks of this expansion.

I really enjoyed playing with the deck because of the number of decisions. A poor player will almost never beat an aggro druid, a pirate warrior, a secret mage or a murloc paladin deck for example,so those are the match-ups I looked forward to the most.

After a couple of weeks many top decks emerged, and some weren't that expensive, so I was able to gravitate away from rogue, but I never found it that frustrating to play against in the same way that other decks have frustrated me. I guess after you have played the deck a while you know whether you are losing to someone who got the nuts draw and won in spite of their blunders vs someone that beat you with every ounce of skill they had.

The decks I find most frustrating to play against are usually the ones where there is no decision making and all you do is play on curve. At least when I play against I combo deck I can tell if I'm losing to someone that is good or to someone awful with the nut draws.

I can understand though why it was nerfed given the un-interactive nature in many match-ups. I'm still disappointed with the decision because to me Crystal rogue was a necessary evil holding Jade Druid in check, and Jade Druid is one of those decks that I consider brainless. Now, Jade should likely occupy rogue's place on the ladder oppressing the control decks, but instead of doing it with a combo deck, we'll be playing against one where there is little thought and you play on curve. Yes, there will be less crystal rogues, but I don't think the meta will be better.

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