Daily Discussion | August 8th-15th, 2022

I understand better safe than sorry. But we have 450 million people in the US, and 1000 million who don't answer the census. ZERO cases of casual transmission.
I live in the gayverse, we hug all the time, Im in Manhattan NYC, the epicenter of the epicenter here.
Anything is possible. (We've been wiping down every bit of gym equipment before and after use for covid and we just kept doing it...)

But, everyone I know who got it, my fellow msms, sexual contact. Not indirect, not affection.

You really have to put some shoulder into it, to get this.

Prolonged contact and -SKIN is a BARRIER- it needs to be mucous membranes, BROKEN skin, or skin that sees a lot of friction. The other few cases are what you'd expect- infant, toddler children of people with MPX. (Also think elder and non-indepentently mobile person care) Things that require prolonged contact with ports of entry, lots of contact with skin that might be abraded or broken.)

/r/Monkeypox Thread Parent