I hate my body and feel like a failure as a wife because of porn.

Is it possible to take some time away, and work on yourself? Your husband has seriously knocked your self esteem and self worth off kilter. I absolutely understand those feelings on porn and I would be devastated.

My advice won't be popular, but I'm saying it because it's what I've felt for myself. If therapy doesn't work, if this doesn't get better, consider, at the very least a temporary separation. I have similar views on porn and I couldn't be with someone who watches consistently because I have a visceral reaction to it. I may love the person, but feeling like THAT, having that visceral reaction, all the time, it wouldn't be worth it to me. To be gutted, and feel such agony all the time? Is any relationship worth that? I say this because these feelings are centered around your husband, not you as a whole. You are beautiful and gorgeous and no doubt countless people find you so, your pain is wrapped around why you weren't enough for your husband. That's the trigger to your self esteem. Your husband has done serious damage.

So, as you are already doing, keep with the therapy, but try and take some time away from your husband, so you aren't reminded every time you see him of this pain, and just work on yourself. Is there a way you can get a weekend off?

/r/TrueOffMyChest Thread