Dangerous anti-trans bill introduced in West Virginia House of Delegates

This bill would prevent public employees from having any pride items, be it a mug or photos on the desk; teachers and professors would be prohibited from hanging a pride flag in their classrooms. Breaking these rules could lead to one being suspended without pay and potentially fired under this bill. HB 3183 would also prohibit public schools from providing gender affirming mental and emotional health counseling, this would likely including transgender, nonbinary, or gender nonconforming students that are suicidal. In addition to prevent school counselors from stepping in, it would prevent counseling teams from providing these students with resources or references.

Not only would staff and faculty be prevented from assisting their students, those who volunteer at the school would also be included (PTA’s, after school clubs, etc.). HB 3183 would prevent these individuals from correctly gendering transgender students.

/r/Queerdefensefront Thread Parent Link - ashinwv.substack.com