Deaf mute father shot dead by police while trying to communicate with them using sign language

You are the paranoid one. Cops killing citizens who are doing nothing wrong is the exception, not the rule.

It's a result of the 24/7 media cycle. You are literally living during the safest time in history, including the likelihood that you might be shot by a cop.

Also, and i'm not excusing the cop here because it's not an appropriate reaction, but as long as you don't get out of your car or do anything that could be perceived as threatening you'd be fine in pretty much any police interactions. In fact, even if you DID get out of your car or act threatening you'd STILL be most likely okay. Examples like the OP story are extremely rare(in that we have 318 million citizens in the US, and many police reactions, yet how many stories do you hear of unjustified police shootings? Dozens? It's a drop in the ocean when compared to 318 million people and the millions of police interactions that happen among them).

You can even crunch numbers to come up with some statistics... 1000 police shootings in 2015. Typical estimates say that 99% of all police shootings were justified, but just to be conservative lets say it's 90%. That's be 10 unjustified police shootings for 318 million people... so your chances of being shot if you aren't a criminal or drug dealer is about 1 in 30 million.

So really... Relax a bit. Police shootings are an issue, but they aren't as much of an issue as people make it out to be.

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