Decentralized Hidden Services Host

Most of our team are actually located within the US, but due to increasingly hostile actions against privacy activists and technologists who invest time and energy into companies that involve disruptive technologies we would prefer to keep our identities private for the mean time.

I am under the impression you might have guessed we were based in India. Actually, the reason we chose to use the .in TLD was to mitigate the risk of any takedown because .in is not controlled by ICANN.

I really think sharing the knowledge and research we acquired over the past two years in terms of the corporate structure and laws would be a good idea... we never really considered doing this so the majority of this documentation is not in any presentable format.

We are seeking donations in the form of a bitcoin drop. Please view it here - Donations The funds will be going to the company's Bitcoin wallet.

If we are able to achieve our funding goals there will be an IndieGoGo campaign which would include a much broader outreach within our personal networks of media personalities and activists.

If we do not meet the deadlines, we will likely push the code we've been working on online through sites like github.

There is no IP in the form of software nor the concept; anyone can host a hidden domain from their own server (including smartphones) that that is already a built in feature with The Onion Router's software kit. The remainder of the software we rely upon is opensource. As for the custom code we will be applying in specific areas, those will also be released at a later date.

The Indiegogo Campaign requires 3 months to run its full course, this is not including the campaign itself but the payment processing period afterwards.

Lastly, all donors take that risk when they decide to donate to any type of startup. 90% of all startups fail within the first year of opening, and out of those that survive; 90% fail the second year. There is no guarantee of a reward, even on a more formal donation platform like IndieGoGo.

/r/privacy Thread