Detailed ethnic map of interwar Czechoslovakia, 1930. It also shows population density.

The thing is they czech germans wanted to part border regions before they were annexed by czech soldier during the autumn after the austrian capitulation. They were sudeten germans because there were no official sudetenland in 1918, this name came much later and was mostly used by nazis. German social democracy realy tried to cooperate with the rest of the czech goverment. And czechs also pushed czech language realy hard so even if you spend your whole in the czech speaking region you had to learn czech anyway. Total nonsense. And theathers and cinemas were not for everyboby, mostly for richer people to gather around and talk but radio spread nazi propaganda and czech germans were listening it a lot. There was no home counterpart and people in Prague cared little about people in borderlands. Also creation of the republic was devastating forthe indrastry in the border regions (textil, glass) so a lot people became poorer and realy didnt supprt german industry much so again win win for nazis who provided opportunities for dying local industry. Devils deal though while it was all turned into war industry soon after the war brouke out. Czech germans list in 1918 as well in 1938 becase they were for nazis sub germans and ended mistly as cannon fodder in the eastern front. And also the national hate in ČSR was realy huge. Even school system suppported this idea a lot during this time. I dont know, try reading something from Josef Pekař, cool guy.

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