DID YOU KNOW: The 3 million illegals living in California are factored into the number of seats they get in the House of Representatives? NOW President Trump and Rep. King want to change that . . . [SUMMARY INSIDE]

I was assigned to CA for my first field office years ago. I could tell you stories upon stories upon stories about how deep the corruption goes in that state and that was twenty years ago. You would be amazed how many of their elections are handled. If you think that there is some large procedure where votes are counted and tallies are made than you would be wrong. It is one of the most outside controlled regions on the globe.

I used the term rogue state awhile back to describe it and that is the best description in my view. CA will be the single largest challenge for President Trump during his time in office. That is, basically, home base for both the left and the globalists, and everything bad in America. They understand its strategic, economic, election, and agricultural value and they will fight tooth and nail to make sure it stays under their control.

It truly is going to take full spectrum action to bring that state back into the fold and I am going by information from years ago. Now? Hell.... much worse as nothing has happened to tell me it has changed one bit and 20 years equates to 20 years worth of more people added to the state. It's going to be a serious battle to get CA back into the fold. A serious one. I hope he starts soon because it has been spreading rapidly out from that state for years now. Have to take over their home base. Do that and they break.

/r/The_Donald Thread Link - americasfreedomfighters.com