Did Bjergsen harm Keire or Yasukeh in a past life? Who are these guys? They seem to have some ill will vs him

Bjergsen not being top 20 midlaner in the world at any point is laughable, especially from 2014-2017 (2017 being his worst). Even in world rankings for 2016 and 2017, he was the only western player in top 10 and the only midlanders that could contest him were Faker, Crown, BDD, maybe Xiaohu, but not much else. But I will admit, he’s fallen off hard af, and he’s definitely not a world class midlaner right now, feel like if he went up against even midlaners from the LEC like Vetheo or Larsen, he’d be fucked as much as I hate to say it, much less against faker, chovy, xiaohu, etc. He doesn’t exert any lane pressure and his team fighting is middle of the pack - he definitely hasn’t had carry performances due to the rest of his team dominating

/r/teamliquid Thread Link - youtu.be