Why did Kosovo want independence?

Slavs are a combination of nordic, germanic and east asian tribes. Over the centuries of interacting they slowly merge into what today is Slavic people. Gypsy is a well known modern term to identify travellers some use it derogatory such as when I did and some use it to identify such people.

Slavic gypsies such as the Serbs, Montenegro, Bosnians, Croat and Slovenes are perfect example as to why you can refer to them in a derogatory fashion as we do today when talking about Nazi, Communism and other parties against human rights.

You care more about what I cal a terrorist peoples group then their crimes against humanity that just shows how full of shit you really are. You would defend a genocidal freak and call his victim a bigot.

You are a perfect example as to why the Slavic gypsies are still around today. Don’t worry though their next exertion against Kosovo will eradicate any future plans of genocide. Im now going to mute this post as I would rather not communicate with a PRO genocide individual hopefully your family never fall victim to such crimes.

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