Different colours

Ah, I found it. I had created a Reddit account to post something on r/UnsentLetters. When I had finished, I found myself so busy at the time. Also not being a Reddit regular, I handed my phone over to a friend so he could proceed with asking a question regarding hair on my behalf. This shambles is what he came up with aha. Aswell as spam posting a load of subreddits, i think imitating me at points. Dreadful impersonation if so, oversimplification with a perceptible, distinct lack of finesse. He tried I suppose lol. If you read this, it's a Celica up the street, stop with the emojis, I've never played the witcher 3, I don't instinctively find every redhead attractive 〈though I would in this case〉 and they were Missions not Tannoys! Using the word colloquial doesn't bring you any closer to being the one and only ;) See you on Tuesday mate. Anyway, what he is describing isn't entierly accurate, it's nowhere as sudden as suggested, but there are large areas of hair with differing colors, particularly blonde from brown and black. The switch is not sudden, it's infact quite gradual with many tones. As you follow said strands, you see them get lighter until reaching a fair appearance. I was acutely confused, until I looked back upon old family photos and found a few dating back to when I was a very young lad, only six or seven years with a flowing mane of hair. Noted exactly what's elucidated above, parts taking on a blonde hue. It wouldn't be of the slightest concern to me if it wasn't for the fact that I haven't experienced this since being a puerile adolescent and I've grown long hair on many occasions, with no such occorance. It might not be of much importance soon however, as I'm getting it cut [styled long] and perhaps dyed shortly.

/r/FierceFlow Thread Parent