"This is not a case of police abuse" -Miami Police Union Chief in reference to Charles Kinsey shooting

Police union explains shooting The police officer who shot Kinsey has been identified as Jonathan Aledda, a four-year veteran and a member of the SWAT team. He has been placed on administrative leave. Last week, the police union representing him said a video of the shooting doesn't tell the whole story. The officer had been aiming for Rios -- not Kinsey, the union said. The officer thought Rios posed a danger, said John Rivera, president of the Dade County Police Benevolent Association. The explanation did not make Rios' mother feel any better. "When she found out her son was the target of the shooting in North Miami, it devastated her. It made her son less than human," the family attorney said. "Arnaldo is a human being who is entitled to live in the community." okay; arrives at scene, does not observe pulls out gun, shoots hit's the wrong person neither person committing a crime or needed to be arrested have I got the facts down? and wouldn't it be better for the "police union" to keep it's fucking mouth shut rather than try to spin such a ridiculous scenario as this bullshit portrays?

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