The disc drive goes on the bottom!

7 consoles were able to be preordered in several midsize city Gamestop stores, with 15 guys lined up there since 3 am on a weekday- as soon as the ability to pre-order is announced (i.e., a day most people have to work on and therefore prepare for by getting adequate sleep for, in those hours). A lot of places had 2 or none. After Sony flipped on their announcement to give some time for people to plan to pre-order, bc of the all-or-none nature of the core pandemic-era economy of mid 2020.

Extremely time-sensitive placements of meager amounts of PS5 stock, made available to a miniscule number of consumers relative to the total number of willing consumers- for a year and a half and with no sign of progress- is laughably pathetic. Not everyone is a childless and single 45-year-old with no activites or obligations in life outside the limited scope of their job's duties. Yes, I'm mad about it. But these points stand and they can't be refuted. The essence of this issue for consumers is in describing why it's difficult to get a PS5 at retail price, not to say consumers are "just mad" and "need to grow up". It's a hard situation, it can't be refuted .

And don't quote part of my response and make unrelated and biased jabs at it- either stick to making counterarguments or just leave.

/r/PS5 Thread Parent