Dead Space Remake Dev Thinks Removing Pause Ability in Horror Games Will Make It "More Impactful"

Wow. I must really be in the minority then looking at the comments!


Games can be fully flexible in order to aim towards the feel they want, even if that makes the player uncomfortable.

Good luck with sales then

Don’t want a game with no pause button? Then the game is just not for you!

Or it could be an option in the settings so that you don’t alienate hundreds of thousands of people

Gamers are actively killing more experimental ideas in the AAA space out of a shallow desire for convenience over appreciating the ideas and design of the game itself.

Again sales. Your “experimental ideas” are impractical and obnoxious. A game shouldn’t be inconvenient it’s a game, you know a form of entertainment?

A dev (I forget the name) said that “if given the opportunity, players will literally program the fun out of a game” and this comment section makes me believe that more than anything.

What the hell are you on about? It’s a fuckin pause button it’s been around since the 70’s. Getting rid of a common and expected feature isn’t adding fun to a game it’s adding frustration. Again an option in the settings is fine but for some reason anytime someone brings that up you start in on the creativity rant again. There’s nothing creative about not having a pause button plenty of games don’t and when I play those games I’ve allotted time to play like that but that’s not always convenient and I shouldn’t have to for a single player game like Dead Space. The original had a pause feature, there’s no reason to do away with it in the remake.

What’s worse is that time and time again, when the unique element is fixed, players will STILL complain!

Goddamn it’s almost like different people have different opinions.

I remember when RE2 remake dropped and people bitched about Mr X being an annoying enemy, so in RE3 remake they made Nemesis more scripted…only for players to still bitch that now Nemesis was far less intimidating and unique compared to Mr X!! You can’t make up this shit!

Ah yes because again everyone has the same opinion.

More options never hurt anyone, you seem like the kind of person to gripe about accessibility options making games too easy…

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