Discussion chat for the black viewers...

Ugh please do not clump all white people together as racist. The majority of white people ARE racist. Some purposefully, and some ignorantly unaware, but racist nonetheless. But not every single white person in the world is a racist demon. I’m not racist. Period. I live in the south and I’m surrounded by ignorant racist fuckers who I constantly have to correct and get in fights with, even my own family. I don’t tolerate it, in any form. I educate myself as much as possible. I’m also aware that I will never understand what it’s like to be a person of color. I will never understand what any of it is like. But that does not mean that because I was born white that I’m automatically racist. I’m also not sticking up for white people. I just want POC to know that it IS possible for some of us to be decent, educated, allies. Which is what I have always and will always consider myself. And I would love to assume there are more people like this as well. I feel truly sorry and embarrassed by what my race has done, the way they have and still make poc feel. I can’t change the entire race, but I can start with educating the people around me and just hope it spreads. I know this may seem like a random rant, but I’ve seen a couple of your post and (of course I could be completely misreading you) I just feel you have somewhat of either pure hatred or just dislike for the entire white race. Which again...I wouldn’t blame you. I also don’t consider myself “woke” and say shit like “I don’t see color” because I feel like that’s just a slap in the face to people of color and the struggles they face everyday. We SHOULD see color, and we should respect and support every color. And I’m so sorry again for the stupid shit most white people do and say. All I wanna do is be an ally and support every person of color. I have no hidden agenda and it doesn’t give me some sort of white hero complex bullshit. I just hate ignorance, period. Again, sorry for the rant I just have seen a ton of racial debates and some racist shit on this sub. So I just feel like I had to word vomit.

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