Discussion on Planning for Climate Resiliency

It is going to be very, very regionally based and you are spot on that we are going to see swings in extreme weather. It sounds like an opportunity, on paper, to grow new plants in a region but it's not so easy to say 'oh we'll be growing oranges in Canada' because maybe our summers get longer and hotter, but there is a good chance that some regions are still going to be prone to deep freezes.

I think the best approach is to focus first on planting native species and hope they can adapt to the extremes but consider native plants from adjacent zones to increase biodiversity and coverage zones. Another approach to consider is how you can create microclimates using optimal sun exposure, wind shelter and rain collection. There's a few tools at our disposal but you will have to observe closely what the regional trends are and try to plant more than you need and select for successful adaptation.

/r/Permaculture Thread