The Dispossessed by Ursula le Guin has EVERYTHING i am looking for in a book

I have just a bit of a side-note question, for all you Ursula le Guin fans!

So ya... I'm a HUGE SciFi/SF fanatic! I live and breathe SF, constantly reading or watching SF. (Lucky for me, my GF is the same way.)

In addition, I also really love classical Lit and poetry...

But mostly SF is where it's at for me in terms of my reading/viewing enjoyment.

ANYWAYS... that said...

So far I'm a bit ashamed to admit that I've AVOIDED reading any of Ursula le Guin novels...

Mainly because so many of her works are "older SciFi", and thus I assume they won't touch upon ulta-post-modern themes/SF-imagery that I love a lot.

I've also assumed that her novels are more allegories, that use SciFi (or even some fantasy) themes as the main setting, to tell a bigger story, rather than focusing upon being pure SF type of novels.

So... am I wrong in these assumptions about Ursula le Guin?

Is it perhaps time I give Ursula le Guin a chance, and actually read one of her novels!?

If yes, which novel would you recommend I begin with?

/r/suggestmeabook Thread