suggest me a book to accept my condition of pain and suffering

This year is my 10 year anniversary with fairly serious chronic pain. I have given up what once was a top end career altogether and have not been able to travel more than one short trip a week by car for a number of years now. And for what its worth, I'm doing alright. I read a lot, certainly more than most. But most importantly for the purposes of your question, nothing I read has anything to with chronic pain or dealing challenges or any other thing "real" to me.

Why the fuck would you want to do that? You're already dealing with that shit everyday. Read about something else.

Read about people visiting other galaxies or doing magic. Maybe read about baking bread or brewing beer. Or about love or war or hate. Or history or science. But not your own problems. You've got enough of that in real life.

Reading is your chance to escape. In my opinion (and not an expert opinion in any way except for my personal experience of it) escape is good and to use that time to wallow might be a waste, or at least would to me.

/r/suggestmeabook Thread