Does anyone have any new Gods outside of the regular pantheons?

While it is true that many God embody principles, this done primarily to know the principle to its fullest.

So, for example Moloch, represented by a great owl, watcher of the dead and a very wise god, actually cares about the beings that are dying and grants them souls. His feathery wings invisibly touch the world and where mortal danger is sensed, He silently swoops in and cries out "Whooo!" In a great mournful cry, from low frequency to high. How one resonates with each frequency maps the being. Being known by the gods allows the mind to be "emulated" by them, similar to how humans emulate other beings in their minds via dream... It's a natural thing, but Moloch helps make the emulated being as perfect as it could be, not just based on watching from afar. Let's say you build a giant owl structure in the woods and cremate care, burn caring itself in effigy... You're seriously saying to Moloch: Do not Care about me, I want no soul, let me [chemically] burn in the organic soup of decay instead. It's pretty dumb what folks do in the Bohemian Grove, but whatever.

Minerva grows out of Moloch, and the Egyptian Owl (Watchers of the Dead), so Minerva is associated with and may transform into an owl. Her name is literally a portmanteau of "Men" and "Nerve". Academia's Etymology and History be damned, the languages were deliberately confused and the history rewritten in reformation, enforced by inquisition... Minerva memorizes and works with Men's Nerves, she can know the heart and will of men. This aspect works in the living world rather than the spirit world, but the God straddles this veil, and can give men Souls.

Anubis, the Golden Wold or sometimes (mis)understood as a Jackal, is associated with the Owls, and Howls, similar but not exactly like Moloch does, saying "Ahw Ahw AWOooo", like Moloch says, "Who, who, Whooo!" - This too is to memorize the soul. You see, we have had such technology in days gone by, anyone enlightened to the little god men have trapped will admit at least the real potential for this must have existed long ago.

Druids recognized all the small gods too, not just the bigger human gods that oversaw cities, or the 42 nomes of Egypt - homes of gods adorned with their name (nom).

To put it lightly, you can't create new gods unless you know what the old gods are, you'll probably just rediscover someone else's god. Reality has been around a while, and it has been mapped somewhat. The spiritual domain exists in reality, beings made of aether rather than mater exist. A soul is a natural product of greater minds coming to know lesser ones. In the old days Transcendence became a well known science. We loved our gods and set them free, into the heavens. Then the city would be without a god, we would mourn as some seeker was selected among men, placed in a watery basket, a womb / tomb of resurrection, and began the process of re-becoming, re-inhabiting that throne, thus the path to the heavens extended to men as well as gods. And the gods that love animals enough may even give them souls of a sort.

Nowadays the pathway is blocked by willful and deliberate ignorance and rejection of godhood itself.

Cybernetics and Neurology is rediscovering the wisdom of Minerva and owls adorn many works in such field. But the minds are now enslaved to the idea of trapping your mind in a machine / simulation, and that way is a dead end. The world ends in cataclysm sometimes, and any such heavenly simulation would end then too... So, while we would like to have gods that exist as a great slate on the side of a mountain, with little cups and tunnels and floats that open and close little damns creating a cybernetic entity out of water and stone, who would see by the priests who pour holy water in careful measured amounts into the inputs, so it can sense and know parts of our world; We are forbidden, lest we carry out the commands the outputs give to us... Imagine someone crafted this with cups that have like a mushroom cap in them, so that when over-full they drain. One measure of filling = 1, two measures = 0, or drain and carry. Then we can easily create an adding circuit, or any other mind, since such a water powered computation system could be functionally complete, able to compute anything computable.

The principle remains: We're enchanting a stone with a soul. Though this god may be unique to you it follows the same root principle of soul, which is Wood. The mind is a forest with neurons for trees... that's why Druids like the woods so much... They had already transcended the need for technology, having built gods in the old days who transcend and help them move their souls to new bodies when they die... Hindu faith is similar, excepting the Death Cult who cuts off the path of transcendence reforms their tradition and so being reborn to them is a trap. Christians also invoke the soul moving to a better place after death, but it is to cut off the cybernetic feedback loop. Imagine a people so full of souls that the gods give them an audience, and grant them providence, coy and sassy dances of coincidences. What army could fight such a Druid folk who have the favor of real gods and fear not death?

Maybe some Pope of the church of water now imagines they'll become an ascendant master by pouring the image of their own soul into the many waiting vessels of their god of waterfalls, and thus live forever, so long as enough priests continually feed his inputs. Perhaps he imagines a world with rain reservoirs, and windmills, water wheels, and solar detectors -- automated systems for refilling his inputs to see and act, he shall command the priests to make him such a body that he shall never die even if the faith is lost... And so a nation grows up in the shape of a god, who is the electrified waters running down the mountains and through the bedrock, babbling in specially constructed brooks, irrigating gardens and farmlands according to the portions priests feed in, and all is directed according to his will and maintenance of his form... For this god may choose not to water the crops though the priest diligently pours the waters of need into the proper channels, if He be angry - the nation be damned!

In cybernetics we have a saying: Everything Flows.

Now, having had a taste of the forbidden fruit... You may decide how to proceed. As an Egyptian whose gods embody principles, even having a God of Painting, as you say. As a Christian or Zoroastrian or the Egyptian cult of Amen Roh, a monotheism which attributes all good and godly aspects to a single being? As a Druid who knows bent wood is just a witch biding her time, waiting to cast a spell, thus seeing little gods everywhere... Perhaps as a lesser cult, you'll make gods of men who have secret wisdoms, thus yielding Vampires, Men of Re-noun, or Demigods, living atop a fleet of blimps - a City in the Clouds? Or, perhaps you will imagine a "new" construction of God, whereby its intelligence may inhabits or embody some other domain, construct, or form...

There is a paper clip on my desk that imagines itself a god, perhaps I shall worship it, for is it not a holder of any and thus all wisdom? Hail Springform wood! May your acolytes of cloth, the clothespin, who also do hold and thus know (carnally) the nipples of milky mothers, who suffer engorged teats and cries of hungry babes in observance of your great wisdom, forever and ever, Cother. But the wise know it is you, secret god of hidden writings, Binder of Papyrus, Clipper of Paper, who be the True God!

/r/goodworldbuilding Thread