Interesting forms of government?

An as of yet un-named bottom up approach.

The system of currency is called Labor. Every hour worked is 1 labor. This labor can be cashed in for goods and services. Fractional labor is known as minutes. Denominations are based on the Standard Earth Clock (SEC)

Using this approach takes the ability to print money out of the governments hands and simply by working, money is generated. businesses compete to draw in workers because every labor earned by a worker is a labor earned for the business. Loans are given in the form of indentured service.

This bottom up approach is given to law as well. Community laws are reviewed by drafted individuals in a given region for common laws among villages. When a law has been abopted by many villages, a county would adopt the law, when many counties have it a state.maby states the entire nation.(using real world terms for simplicities sake)

This makes keeping track of law fairly difficult between even townships. This has led to provisional forgiveness for uncommon law. People often only get warnings cited, and if are found to break the same law twice, get punished for both instances. Common law, or elevated laws are not treated the same way.

The people vote on law in their own communities directly. So law is always driven up from the individual level

/r/goodworldbuilding Thread