Does anyone else feel since they canonically ruined Luke there is no point in any interest!

I agree with a lot of the sentiments of this sub except this. Despite the poor writing of Luke’s character arc, the ending was fitting, he did very much save the day and allowed the Resistance to fight another day.

The biggest criticism I don’t agree with is that Luke should’ve been the focal point of this Saga because he shouldn’t. He should have played a Yoda/Ben sort of character and that’s about it.

Though this would be helped if the new Trio were somewhat interesting, which they really aren’t. The potential was there for Rey, Kyle, Finn and the lot but uninteresting and one dimensional character arcs ruined the Trilogy for me, not Luke.

The problem is that we feel no attachment to the new characters and aren’t eager to find out what happened about them, not how they handled the old Trio because honestly, this Trilogy wasn’t for Han, Luke & Leia.

/r/saltierthancrait Thread