Does this make electric cars… good?

When you say “wiping the floor” what do you mean? Because it’s not nearly as cut and dry as you think.

You might not be into cars, but I am. Electric cars are absolutely the future but they have no soul. They aren’t inspiring to drive, they don’t engage you, they don’t stir your soul when you’re out in the middle of nowhere or some some backroad and able to wind the car out. The are appliances, people movers if you will. They do one thing, they go fast in a straight line, and they do it really well. That’s about it. I’d have one for a car to drive to and from work in, but as a car that I enjoy driving and want an engaging experience in, an electric car will never do that. It’s just not the same thing.

Reviewers use those terms “visceral” and “sound” and engagement all the time, because they matter to the type of person who’s looking to spend an absurd amount of money on a car. Again this stuff might not matter to you, but it very much does to enthusiasts and people to have cars as a hobby. One of my favorite cars is one that will get walked by modern minivans in a straight line. It’s make all the right noises, feels incredible, and behaves like it’s an extension of you rather than an appliance you’re operating.

Also if you’re entire measurement of performance is 0-60 times, well, lol I guess.

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