The Citizens United ruling broke American democracy at the start of the decade. It never recovered

I used to like watching Maddow every night, but her opening segments have gotten almost unbearable to watch nightly, and I end up only watching when something truly newsworthy happens and I want to get her take on it.

When big things happen, her long winded openings can be really good, but from night to night they are just really repetitive, “So here we have a GOP senator taking money from a person linked to Russia and from Russia is going to this GOP senator....right into his bank account. And there’s pictures of the two of them together; the GOP senator and this Putin-linked Russian...who is giving money to this GOP Senator...right into his bank account!”

Jesus Christ Rachel, we get it! Move on to the rest of the story.

Actually, scratch that, I’m-a go watch Chris Hayes instead.

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