Hey man, I know exactly how you feel, just take a look at my username and flair. I can 100% relate to everything you said in your post; my entire week went by like this. Got rejected from all of my top choices for co-op next term, got slammed by my midterm, have a completely non-existent social life and I'm still a KHHV at 21. So know that you're not alone.
I wish I could say that it gets better, but only marginally so, and that's if you work hard and chip away at it every day. I honestly wonder why people like us were put on this planet; if I could go back and choose to have never been born, you bet your ass I would have. It just seems like a cruel joke that we were given life only to experience nothing but misery.
I don't know, all I can say is that hopefully things will get better but if I know my life, things hardly ever do. Best of luck to you and stay strong brother.