Why does it seem like everyone in this subreddit makes six figures?

I am in the 6 figure bracket as well. I am 32. Been in the 6 figure bracket since 24.

Coming from low/middle income immigrant family, living in a basement until I was 16 and then sharing a 2 bedroom apartment with another family - I am proud of “making it”.

What worked for me and can work for anybody starting out is optimizing your life for money. The sooner you start, the better the results. I started in my early 20s.

Biggest lessons to take away are: - do what others are not willing to do - exploit supply demand in society - find out what you truly enjoy doing but it’s gotta pay you - ignore the noise from the world, and do the numbers. You will find most times, the world spends 80% of the time talking about the things that don’t matter. For example, an 80k salary doesn’t mean much. It’s your disposable income that matters. - prioritize long term decisions (comes with short term pain) over short term decisions - take calculated risks. Simple mantra is: Heads you win big, tails you don’t lose much

I initially wrote a much long post outlining the path I took. But I figured no one wants to read a long post. So trimmed it to my biggest learnings.

Good luck OP!

/r/PersonalFinanceCanada Thread Parent