'She doesn't love you, she's *emotionally attached to you*, there's a difference. When you love someone, you are actually interested in their perspective and experience and what they want. When you are emotionally attached to them, it's possessive and about how you feel.'

This actually makes a lot of sense and resonates a lot with me. To some degree, my ex was projecting this exact analogy on to me. "Do you love me or are you just attached to me?".

I think if love isn't felt through actions (not words) then it's difficult for a relationship to prosper. And that's not necessarily a the fault of either sides, sometimes love languages are just not compatible.

But in my case, I would say they were definitely just emotionally attached and not interested in my perspective, especially since it really didn't take much time until I was replaced with the next source of emotional gratification. It's sad more than anything that that person needs to be attached to someone.

/r/AbuseInterrupted Thread