Celeb Gossip Sep 12 - Sep 18

You know, I didn’t believe it at first, and I even read a fictional New Yorker short story loosely based on this type of thing, but - I’m beginning to think there may be legs to this story about the girls just being “cover” for Leo and Lukaas.

In the Deux Moi sub, someone presented a picture timeline, and Lukaas looks so… sad in recent pictures. Like, he’s just so over living with Leo, traveling in a gang of men and one woman who is always with Leo for the camera. How all the girls turn 25 and immediately get into a long-term relationship with a different guy and then Leo immediately gets a teenager. Then there’s Lukaas who is always there with Leo trying to not look too chummy.

And I can understand why this happening; we live in a very homophobic society where even two age appropriate men in a long term relationship, it would be catastrophic for Leo’s career. Look what happened to Rupert Everett.

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