I don’t feel happy

I'm sorry. Your parents and the previous generations have let you down by coddling you. But here`s the thing. No one owes you any thing. There are people that have more and don't deserve it. There are people that have less than you and deserve more. Kill yourself or don't. We will all live on and know no better. But why give in to THAT? I don't know you. But I do know you can do better. I know you can take that hate and rage and turn into something better. Why? Because I did. And I am a bigger loser.. and I have a great wife and two awesome kids. And I don't deserve any of it. But i wake up each morning and try to be the best I can. I fail more than I win. But each time I win. I'm happy. Good luck. Not because you deserve it. We all do. Do something with it.

/r/unhappy Thread