Drama Megathread

Just watched Grade A's new video about ending Youtube drama, and I have some things to say. First of all, props to him for speaking up about the cancerous fans, that was a pretty solid point, and really needed to be said. But there are somethings where I think he was being hypocritical.

1.He said 'No one should be immune to criticism' and that he expects criticism and knows I shouldn't be taken seriously. Well, explain this shit Grade. He almost had a meltdown at someone who dared to express his constructive criticism, and clearly said he doesn't want anyone to criticize him because he thinks it's bullshit. He himself wants to be immune to criticism.

2.He talks about Youtubers who get shit deleted to save their image. Well Grade, you literally asked for this thread to be deleted.

3.In his video Grade says he only made fun of Markiplier's hair colour and that it wasn't meant to be taken as seriously as his fans did. No Grade, you didn't just make fun of his hair colour, you tried to discredit him of all his work, achievements and position in the YouTube community just because of his hair colour and mannerisms, and called him a retarded manchild. That's a real arsehole-ish thing to do man. And this isn't coming from a Markiplier fan, I have hardly watched any of his videos.

4.You talked about how Pewdiepie-KSI banter was blown out of proportion, and spoke up against racism in comments. That's good. But who was complaining about Pewdiepie starting Twitter drama with KSI just last week? It was YOU Grade. You were the one who complained about Pewdiepie starting drama just one day after he made a video against drama. And now you say it wasn't drama at all. Make up your fucking mind mate.

5.You've called Nicole Arbour a stripper, whore and whatnot and said that huge building in London was her dildo, and a lot of other inappropriate stuff. Was your video funny and had good points? Yes. Does Nicole deserve criticism? Yes. Did you cross the line? Again yes.

/r/GradeAUnderA Thread