I've been invited by Youtube to London next week for a meeting regarding YT itself- All input will be listened to and very much appreciated

Ask them to find a way to fix mob mentality/harassment on youtube. You know it's wrong. But it's one of the biggest problems that YouTube is currently facing. I know roasting is really entertaining and popular on youtube, but let's face it; it wouldn't be half as popular if youtubers didn't roast people who were other youtubers.

This whole bandwagon high is really getting out of hand. I mean sure it's good that people seem to be working together but honestly what are they achieving at the end of the day? We got Jacob Sartorius' new music video "Sweatshirt" at over 500,000 dislikes? Congrats! We made a little boy into an embarrassment in front of millions. What a great accomplishment. I'm using Jacob as just an example.

I know there are hardcore roasting channels that are defaultly considered toxic such as Leafy, and then those on the other side of the spectrum who people consider light-hearted and more innocent like Ricegum. The problem here is that they both end up doing the exact same thing; causing a horde of people with mob mentality to go to whoever they are roasting's profile and then harass them. That's just not right and shouldn't be allowed on a day to day basis. That's literally millions of people ganging up on a single individual. No matter how famous or not are they not the same as us? People at the end of the day who can feel stress and pressure? Just because they're famous they won't kill themselves or feel depressed? Or the emotional toll it has on them is lessened cause they are famous? That's just not the case.

Again I'm not a fan of Jacob I'm only using him because he's the biggest of example. Ricegum first made a video reacting to "Sweatshirt" by Jacob Sartorius, then Pyrocynical, then Leafy started making videos about him. I'm subscribed to all of them btw minus Jacob. And there are waaay more smaller channels that have 'reacted' (aka roasted) to the video as well. My point is, even if a kid like Jacob is cringy AF he's still a kid with feelings. He's not a bad person who deserves so much hate and negativity is he? If he wasn't meant to be a singer then let him find out if he ever ends up on radio. Who knows? He might have improved by then. Was Justin Bieber an amazing singer when he first debuted? Not that I remember.

At the end of the day Leafy and Ricegum, although very different, have the same types of problems. I'm talking about all roasting channels btw. Their fans continue to witch hunt whoever they roast and harass them. And although I used Jacob Sartorius as an example, this applies to EVERYONE they roast. People are people. A million vs 1 is not right nor fair. Mob mentality is a problem. And as much as you hate hearing this, Grade, you and DramaAlert share this problem as well.

/r/GradeAUnderA Thread