DSC could use some female friendship I think

True, but those interactions more often than not failed the Bechdel test.

Honest question, does it matter?

I mean, when you get right down to it, not a lot of real women in real life are going to consistently have conversations that pass the test because relationships are important to people. We often talk about our dating lives or our current relationships with our close friends because they are the right person to have those discussions with anyway.

Now, I am not saying that every conversation on a TV show needs to revolve around relationships but at the same time, it is not a invalid topic for two friends to constantly discuss if that is important to them (which it clearly was for Kira and Dax).

My point here is that the Bechdel test is a interesting experiment but it can also give one tunnel vision when watching shows or consuming any form of media really. We have become a bit too keyed into tropes as a concept and that has perhaps made us more sensitive to them than we really should be.

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