Dwarf Fortress has killed my views on gaming.

Hey OP,

I feel the same way. Also to mention that, I feel stupid for spending hundreds of euros for games that I enjoy playing for maybe 4-50 hours (max) mostly. Depends what 'type' of game it is. Is it an MMORPG or RPG, for example.

Especially modern day titles are slacking. At first I thought, I'm in a need of taking a break from gaming, and I did for 3 years. It didn't solve anything. I still think that 98% of the games I've bought in a last couple of months, felt like they are lacking so much potential then very fast became very boring, and just generally felt like too simple garbage.

MMORPG's also just feel that they are repeating the same shit over and over again, only the title changes. There is nothing new.

It might be just me with my 'shitty' opinions or whatever.

I've played several hundred different games and EVE Online (for several years) one of my favorite games of all time. But I never really stopped and wondered why.

Most of the games i've bought didn't really fill the empty gap inside of me, which would satisfy my 'personal' needs so-to speak of.

Then thanks to Reddit, I discovered a game called Dwarf Fortress. Then it hit me, I enjoy games which requires me to study them and that they challenge me.

I'm just a newbie in Dwarf Fortress and only have played couple of hours, and I thirst for knowledge about this game and it's fun to study this game, learning the basics (of why i'm I doing certain things). Discovering and understanding in-game mechanics. You get the point.

But after all,

Maybe i'm just getting old or I quess it's all about the complexity, I quess it just sort of wakes up the curiousity. And I think in a long run, i'm going to have a very special relationship with Dwarf Fortress.

Shame that I didn't heard about this game earlier.

/r/dwarffortress Thread