East Indian Recreation Ground?

Explanation from the Trinidad Express:

The unusual name of a cricket field in Penal has become the topic of divisive discussion on social networking sites. A photograph posted on Facebook showing the “East Indian Recreation Ground” in Lachoos Road has led some to conclude the venue was open to one race only.

The ground is one of the facilities State-owned National Gas Company (NGC) is spending money on to rehabilitate, and a sign stating “Upgrade of East Indian Recreation Ground” has outraged many, who have labelled the company and Government as being racist.

However, Penal/Debe Regional Corporation chairman Premchand Sookoo explained the recreation ground got its name almost 50 years ago. He said the facility was operated by a non-governmental organisation—East Indian Sports and Cultural Club. Sookoo said the rec­reation facility was known as the “East Indian Ground” by members of the community, not because only East Indians were allowed to use it but because it was operated by the organisation. The facility was later renamed Soogrim Ramdhaniesingh Recreation Ground after the founder of East Indian Sports and Cultural Club.

Sookoo said no complaints have been made to the regional corporation in relation to the name of the facility. It was pointed out there was an “Africa Recreation Ground” in Enterprise, Chaguanas, which had existed for many years without an issue being raised. Sookoo advised should anyone request a change of name, a petition has to be filed at the regional corporation for consideration. Housing Minister Dr Roodal Moonilal said he was not aware of any controversy regarding the recreation ground.

The Express yesterday visited Lachoos Road where residents explained how the name came about. Ramdhaniesingh’s wi­dow, 80-year-old Dhan­mattee, said her husband was an avid athlete and there was no place for community members to participate in cultural and sporting activities. She said land which was owned by her husband was donated to the community as a recreation facility. Rodney Roopnarine, a resident, also said the facility got its name from the East Indian Sports and Cultural Club, which was established by Ramdhaniesingh and other residents in 1959. And the unofficial name became the East Indian Recreation Ground, he said. Roopnarine said the organisation was formed as the community was populated by mainly East Indians. The recreation ground was officially given the name Soogrim Ramdhaniesingh Recreation Ground about ten years ago, he said.

Jewan Persad, a former member of the club, said documents were sent to the Penal/Debe Regional Corporation. He said when the process was completed, the regional corporation would be responsible for maintenance of the facility. Dhanmattee Ramdhaniesingh said she was not aware NGC was conducting rehabilitation work on the facility. “But I am happy that it will be upgraded and facilities are being put in place for those who use the ground,” she said.

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