The Economist: If national service is so good, everyone should do it

Helloooo :D! SG female here I see many people are ‘waiting for a female to come up with an excuse’ but i do hope my opinion can be viewed in an objective way!!! And of course I will take any objective and constructive feedback!

Generally i think it shouldnt be compulsory for females and i’ll list my reasons below:

1) physiology part 1 - women actually have a higher risk of injury than men, females have a higher tendency of about 2-10times for ligament tears (this is EXTREMELY significant in ACL/knee ligaments) because of many reasons like us having wider hips which put the alignment of our joints a bit weirdly, or during our menstrual period when our oestrogen levels are high as this alters the metabolic process of constructing connective tissues! This is very interesting!!! you can look it up maybe starting from here: On the other hand, ligaments in males have actually shown to be able to adapt and grow in size which lessens the risk of injury hence why you guys can actually take such long hours of training.

2) physiology part 2 - periods are some hard core shit guys. If you’ve had a muscle cramp, you probably know how annoying and painful they can get. These cramps actually happen in our uterus to help dislodge the uterine lining and allow our body to get rid of some expired ovums/eggs. To give you another comparison, i had a classmate who sat through as exam with what she thought was menstrual cramps, only to find out later that she actually had appendicitis. Along with the cramps INSIDE, we also have the cramps OUTSIDE, in our hips and lower back. This is to help expand our hip and pelvic joints to help with the flow of everything out of our body. So i would say generally, periods is pretty much a 50 year sentence of pain on females. So to all the boys reading this, please have some empathy for your female classmates ok :)

3) hygiene - disposal of our pads/tampons actually require a lot of stuff. None of you have probably never been into a female toilet.... right? So generally, we have there separate bins inside the cubicles specifically for throwing away our sanitary items. Why? Because it’s bloody as heck...

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