Males of Singapore, who do you speak to or rant to about your troubles or when you're upset?

(This is when I let a bit more bitterness out from the depths of my thoughts and heart, lol.)

My therapist.

No, seriously. The only person who I have found that I can simply rant my problems to/at, without any judgment, is the person I pay to listen to me.

Friends? After a while, the realization that everyone has their own sets of problems hit. Be it work, family, partner, children, loss of hopes/dreams - I feel that if I kept ranting, I took away space from my friends to rant.

Partner/Family? They want to help. Thanks, but no, I don't want help. I want empathy, with maybe a sprinkling of insight and perspective to help nudge me along. It's ironic because the stereotype is that men want to problem solve - but nah not really.

Colleagues? Rofl no.

So, I end up paying for a professional to listen to me unload pent up frustrations about life and suffering. Then I go back into the world and try to move yet a bit more closer towards things I want to go towards, hopefully with a slower accumulation of crap until my next session.


/r/singapore Thread