Dear On Cinema Family,

I have now had the opportunity to watch the entire Third Annual On Cinema Oscar Special, which was broadcast live on youtube February 22nd 2015, simultaneously with the Academy Awards - As some of you know and have pointed out there were many, many technical problems during the early part of the show. We have apologized for these technical problems and they have been corrected for this taped version that now lives online. We’ve also edited out the long breaks and a made few minor trims here and there to make the viewing experience the best that it can possibly be. Also, those responsible for the technical errors have been dealt with appropriately and I can assure you will have nothing to do with future On Cinema broadcasts.

What I refuse to edit out and now must live with for the rest of my life is my poor, unprofessional behavior throughout the night - I do not like to blame others but I will say that I was under the impression by a man named “Bryan” at Whole Foods in Los Angeles that the champagne marked “Organic” would be non-alcoholic. I also received the all clear from “Maria” at Rite-Aid that Mucinex would be helpful in treating my cold symptoms and that as long as I wasn’t DRINKING it wouldn’t impair my ability to do a great show. I was lied to and deceived by these two and they will pay in their own ways, separately. But, in the end, I’m an adult and must take responsibility for my own actions.

I offer my sincerest apologies to our wonderful guests and performers, as well as to you the On Cinema Family for enduring my bad behavior.

Finally, I want to single out and personally, publicly and wholeheartedly apologize to my co-host for the evening Gregg Turkington. Gregg's passion and love of movies knows no bounds and Oscar Night truly is his Christmas. I couldn’t have possibly shown him less respect and that on top of the giant Hobbit loss really, really put him in a bad place. Gregg, I’m sorry. I don’t know how to make this up to you but I will try every day to be a better man and a better friend.

I promise you and the On Cinema family: This will never EVER happen again.

Yours in Movies and Friendship,

Tim Heidecker

PS. Eternal thanks and gratitude has to go to for helping me through the difficult time.

/r/TimAndEric Thread Link -