EHS Biomarkers

In United States, insurance companies require builders to apply a termiticide around the foundation of the residence. Perhaps you became ill shortly after construction started on your home due to termiticide?

I can emphasize with your frustrations of building a nontoxic home. I tried too and failed. Good luck with litigation.

The article on dirty electricity offered a mitigating device. By removing the post, you are depriving your subscribers from learning about and trouble shooting dirty energy. No point wasting time reading if there are no results. No benefits. In /r/badBIOS, I post articles that sell a solution. Yesterday, I posted on four SPI flash programmers that flash a BIOS. It took myself and another person over a month to research SPI flash programmers and test clips and write the self post. We do not make a profit on items. We shared our research so others won't need to duplicate our time, efforts and money buying wrong parts.

Your subreddit will remain tiny if your prerequisite is knowledge of dirty energy and other basics. You need posts on basics. At the minimum, a stickied post that serves as an introduction.

In additional to a stickied post, a wiki. Initialize the wiki in your subreddit. Include URL of wiki in sidebar. Include in the wiki:

EHS and environmental organizations; list of online EHS support groups or forums Definition of EHS; Definition of microwave radiation sickness Differences between EHS and microwave radiation sickness; Definition of dirty electricty Refer organizations that refer environmental medicine physicians such as AAEM for testing, diagnosis and treatment; Referral to related illnesses such as MCS and lyme. For lyme, /r/lyme.

Yes, lots of work. That is why you need to encourage more subscribers who you could invite to be a mod and ask them to choose chores such as working on the wiki.

I invited two subscribers to be mods of /r/badbios. Unfortunately, they dont want to work much. /r/badbios need more mods. Your subreddit needs more mods.

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