Nice work there with the chart BUT listing increase in bp as a % of original value can be misleading as it may lead to people wrongly concluding that the bp mastery is more effective now when it actually isn't (at least it isn't for most cases). Earlier, the 8% increase in bp was additive so if you had 60% base bp and 4/4 bp mastery, your resultant bp would be 68% whereas now, it is 65.52% or a 5.52% increase in percentage points. Under the new system, only champs with ≤51.1% (~2090) bp will get a ≥8% percentage points increase in bp. Checking the mbch website, there are only 2 champs (Mordo and Thanos) with such a low base bp

                                                      OLD                                        NEW#

Champ base bp 4/4 mastery base bp % (flat value) 4/4 mastery Percentage point increase under new system
OG Cap* 88%(?) 96%(?) 76.36% (6461) 78.40% 2.04%
WWII* 84%(?) 94%(?) 74% (5693) 76.45% 2.45%
Most 5/50 male champs (old) 60% 68% 60% (3000) 65.52% 5.52%
Most 4/40 male champs (old) 58% 66% 58% (~2762) 64.04% 6.04%
Most 5/50 female champs (old) 50% 58% 50% (2000) 58.33% 8.33%

(Increase in bp with 4/4 mastery under old system was a constant 8%)

(Values in bold indicate the higher of the final bp value between old and new system) &nsbp; # New bp % values when fighting against a champ with 100 CR (5/50 or 3/45 champs

* Not sure if the bp values of both Caps were that high under the old system (did they get 100% bp as r5 with just one LC-IF synergy?)

/r/abcde Thread