ELI5: How do molded dice with depressed dimples (where 6 dimples takes out greater mass on a side than one dimple) get balanced so that they are completely unweighted?

a prime example of who is truly in power in our corporate-owned democracy.

It is not like they have small profit margins and can't afford to let one guy win (not to mention, expose a security flaw for them that they patched , possibly even saving them money in the long run) ... they clear more money than this guy won in profit every single day, but they pride themselves on never losing.

meanwhile the same casinos prey on people they *know* are degenerate gamblers, treat old loney grandmas like they are "family" while they piss away their retirement money/kids inheritance , and turn a blind eye to people who act generally disgusting in their casinos and violate policy as long as those people are big-losers

ive seen so much insane shit in casinos , it can be quite depressing.

once saw an old man a couple tables away at a $4/$8 limit-poker table (typically miserable scum of the earth and older people who play to pass time), grab his chest and seize up, he fell beneath the table having a heart attack. The poker game *continued around him* after the players bitched at the dealer to "keep dealing" and the floor manager came over and gave the command to shuffle up and deal -- the dealer was the only one with some humanity that felt like a poker game could take a break as a man died at their feet. Medics came and took him away but we learned later he was dead.

Ive seen people use racial slurs such and N****r to a black person at the table , only got a 24 hour ban because he is a "Noir Card" (highest level member in MGM property) . This same person was notorious for racist hate speech and kenw he could do whatever he feels like and they'd never ban him because he regularly loses 50-100k in the pits.

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