ELI5:Why is religion so important in American politics

First you need to think about what religion is and why its importsnt.

We do not know why we exist. We habe ideas and theories, but no proof or concrete answers.

However, we all die eventually, and that scares us. So, we don't know why we're here, but its scary to think we might not be some day.

Religion seeks to fill in the blanks. It tells you you're here for a reason and what will happen when you die.

This is important to many people because it answers questions that are very important to them. This is why people are religious and why religion is so important, it gives them a sense of understanding what we can't understand.

Now what is politics? In free countries like the US, its decision making on the topics that are important to people. Religion is one of the most important to some pepple, so it is natural that politics involves it.

However, politics is also a jpb for some people. They want to keep their job, so they try to affirm peoples beliefs by addressing their desires. In this country, christians are the most populous religion, so it is the common target of politics. Politicians do what theu think will make christian people happy so they get and keep their job.

/r/explainlikeimfive Thread