esp when crit


Every two months certain streamers are announcing services for paid rta boosting. Various posts where made about this and the community strongly gave opinion against it. A certain subreddit mod named muskratwork has harassed me for publicing anything related to this with the excuse nothing concerning cheating and "witch hunting" is tollerated.

1)A post with photo evidence of the mod harassing me has been made. When you report mod harassing incidents the reddit admins redirect you to the subreddit mods for the matter. This is a joke since the closed community of subreddit mods cover for each other and proved this in multiple occasions.

2) Any witch hunting accusation is invalid since a repeated incident like pinkroid and raxxaz spamming rta boosting services every two months for 20 days needs repeated addressing.

3) The cheating discussion prohibiting is also a joke since i) promoting cheating and exposing it are two very different things ii) Many cheating incidents where exposed in this particular subreddit, the community moved and actions where taken on some occations. Some examples are game4mall incident, thompsin botting, boosting a particular player on top 3 rta etc.

4) My main account if that is even a thing in sw subreddit was banned by this particular mod (muskratwork) that banned all my posts concerning rta boosting and a lot of irony and provokes where thrown towards me from him and the other mods in private messages. Provoking me to make new accounts so that they have fun "dealing" with them and claiming im unwelcome in this subreddit.

To conclude im not spamming any posts or witch hunting for anyone, im just reacting to others illegal actions. At this point the only streamer not selling rta boosting services is Obabo and big cheers to him.

The mod team has affiliations with certain streamers and i feel this is kinda obvious since any attempt to stop rta boosting has been shut down.

Lastly this place is not a place for open discussion since we get so easily, aggressively and subjectively criticized and ANY MOD can shut our mouths for not falling in line with them..

If you feel comfortable with this mod team ignore my message. If otherwise spread.

/r/summonerswar Thread Link -