[EUW] [NA] [Support] [ADC] [Mid] [Jungle] [Top] [Gold] [Girl] All my friends bully me and call me a fatass so I would like to make new friends

The year was 2063.

War ravaged the continent; death was common. The streets were smoky from burnt corpses and the raw smell filled the air. Everybody had to scavenge for what they could find; unfortunately usually what they could find was little. Food, water or well, just about anything was in rare supply. Groups formed fighting over whatever resources they could keep; which usually wasn't much. The thing is with no farmland, they couldn't grow new crops. Nearly every species of animal had went extinct.

There was literally no food, everybody was starving. Yet somehow, still, by some miracle a 65 year old named Anna Elston was still a fatass.

/r/LeagueFriends Thread